Overcoming Challenges and Teaching Outdoors

Overcoming Challenges  Teachers often face seeming obstacles when planning and facilitating outdoor learning. These include weather, adult-to-child ratios, and timetabling (Salmi et al., 2016). The aforementioned are all challenges I have encountered as a teacher, and through experience, I have come up with solutions to most logistical problems. As a class teacher, I planned one […]

Using Local Environments For Outdoor Learning

Local Environments  There can be a perception that outdoor learning needs to take place far away from school (Beames et al., 2009). In Scotland, where I grew up and have previously taught, it’s common for primary-age children to go on a yearly residential trip to engage in various outdoor activities. Although residential experiences are positive […]

What Is Outdoor Learning?

Introducing Outdoor Learning Welcome, and thanks for reading my first blog post. I want to start with an introduction to outdoor learning within primary education. It can be a little tricky to find an all-encompassing definition of outdoor learning. The Institute of Outdoor Learning (2020) defines outdoor learning as a broad term that includes discovery, […]