Outdoor Learning Equipment: Less can mean more?

Many teachers love incorporating outdoor learning into our curriculum, but the pressure to create and manage elaborate outdoor equipment setups can feel overwhelming (time a lot if teachers may not have). The truth is, children thrive on simple exploration and open-ended play. So maybe you don’t need the pinterest-perfect mud kitchen and instead make it […]
Proud Moment: I Presented At My First Conference

Proud moment! Another step in the right direction. Just wrapped up my first conference presentation at Practicle Pedagogies 2024. It’s been a rollercoaster ride the past few years, filled with my fairshare of self-doubt and challenges to overcome. But I continue to push myself outside my comfort zone in order to develop into the educator […]
The Early Years Outdoors

In this blog, we will explore the crucial role that outdoor learning plays in children’s development during the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) (up to the age of 5 in the UK). We’ll delve into the advantages of outdoor learning activities, from improving motor skills to encouraging imaginative play and promoting overall wellbeing. The blog […]
Creative Nature Art Projects Using Earth’s Gifts

Dive into the vibrant intersection of art and the natural environment, where children can use materials found in nature to craft beautiful works of art. This blog post will explore the endless possibilities of nature art, encouraging young artists to look closely at the textures and colours surrounding them. I’ll provide practical advice on collecting […]
Discovering Math in Nature Through Patterns, Shapes, Natural Materials and More…

Venture outside the classroom and into the natural world where mathematics isn’t just numbers on paper but a visible part of our environment. This blog will explore learning math outside through finding patterns in nature, using scavenger hunts to enhance learning, using natural materials for number work and revealing how symmetry and shapes manifest in […]
Simple and Fun Science Taught Outdoors

One of my favourite parts of my job is encouraging young learners’ scientific curiosity by utilising outdoor environments and natural materials. This blog will walk you through simple, fun scientific lessons enhanced by being taught outside or using common natural materials. We’ll discover the advantages of learning science outdoors. Get ready for various kid-focused activities […]
Fun Wildlife Themed Outdoor STEM Ideas

When I first started teaching outdoor learning, I decided to take a tiny hedgehog along to my early years class as a kind of mascot. Within a few minutes, the hedgehog was given a name. Hamish the hedgehog was so popular with the class that he’s remained in my bag for the last two years. […]
Forest Schools: Offering A Fresh Approach To Learning

I am currently completing a portfolio of work to gain my Forest School Leader 3 qualification. Recently, I was lucky enough to participate in Forest School Practical Training with the outdoors group, which has a forest schools training centre based in Exmouth. The week-long course was a wonderful experience. I learned the practical skills needed […]
Developing the Wellbeing of Children Through Outdoor Learning

In today’s blog post, I’ll discuss the importance of children getting the opportunity to be in outdoor environments and how this helps with mental well-being and soothes those with neurological challenges, including ADHD. Nature Deficit Disorder Louv (2008) highlights that children spend less unstructured time in nature. The paper concludes that this impacts children’s […]
The Importance of Outdoor Play

Throughout my career as a teacher, I’ve mainly worked with KS2 children, but in my new role, I’ve been enjoying my KS1 and early years classes. They’ve given me the chance to observe many fantastic examples of play in the early years and KS1 departments, which has inspired me to introduce more free play opportunities […]